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D Wolves

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bodybuilding Theory

Confused with the bodybuilding technique theory definition? Maybe this will help you to find about and right away you can implements it on you training programs

Giant Sets :

This technique is to focused you up to what your exercise play, or one major muscle group you play, doing 3 different exercises and lift the weight is as much as you can without rest doing these 3 kinds exercise, after that take a rest bout 1 minutes is already enough,
for example : doing biceps exercise, do the 10 reps of bicep curls, 10 reps of barbell curls, and 10 reps of hammer curls continuously without no rest, take a rest after you finished this 3 kind bicep exercises for only one minute, then go "load your gun" again, it can give's you a burn feel in your arms

Drop Sets :

The goal is to pump up your muscle, do this with the weight as much as you can lift and do as many reps you can, after that striff off the weight by 5-10 pounds and do quickly, lift without no rest, do reps as much as you can lift, then striff off again, and do again with same steps until you end up your weight for only 5 pounds and barely able to lift it.

Negative Reps :

The easier and most effective way to hit your muscle fiber, there are 3 different exercise goals doing the weight lifting, first power goals some like a power lifting, doing only 1-2 sets weight lift (goals is be able to lift weight as much as you can) 2nd is endurances, some kind of athletes exercises (goal is making endurances muscle stamina and energy), 3rd is bodybuilder goal (Make a great shapes body)
Each goals has a different muscle fiber to hit with their own weight training program, for your goals as bodybuilder you must do different exercise, and this called negative.
This negative exercise hit your muscle fiber to grow and get shocked with the weight that you lift.
The way to do this negative is .. start your weight with fast lift then slowly lower the weight, combined this technique with all kind of exercises, this can be a great results for you to do.

21 lift :

This is another great techniques for you to try, it gives a 'burn feel', a stimulate for your muscle group you train, this is simple but hard to do :D
This technique play with the range motion of your lift, and takes a time doing it. For example : Biceps Curls, do this with your normal position, but starts your biceps curls from starting position
lower (normal- 0 degrees) position , and lift it until mid range of your potition hands (bout 90 degrees form) for 7 reps (same form-mid range position-90 degrees), after 7 reps, start your lift from mid position (90 degrees position to full position) for 7 reps, after that lift again your reps from lower positition to your full position for 7 reps again without no rest. (0 degrees position to 180 degrees position)

How's that? hehe

Partial Reps :

Goal is to add thickness and definition, this exercise do particular range of the weight lifting of a muscle, this is an advanced bodybuilding techniques, you can try it when you now how to lift right and focused to muscle group, you can try to lift by degree techniques, your positioning lift angle that can bring you focused to only one particulary focused muscle to add thickness and definition to all parts of your muscle

Forced Reps :

Same like negative, but less rest, doing this exercise with a partner would be great, he/she can halp you when you feel the weight may slow, you can feel your partner start to supporting you a lot, then the reps is getting close to an end reps, or when you feel the weight you can lift is too fast maybe your partner too much supporting you.
Do this exercise with forced reps than normally you can lift by yourself

Super Sets :

Like a giant set exercises, superset a group of exercises perform without a rest, doing 2 seperate muscle group, the opposite of muscle group like biceps exercises following by triceps exercises without no rest, for example like biceps (barbel curls) then without no rest do triceps exercise (french crushers) after supersets rest in between 1 or 2 minutes.

Too Failure :

It means that you do an exercises, lift the weight at the end until failure, you cannot lift the weight anymore without counting how many times you already lift

Pyramid :

Doing exercises from light to heavy in 3 - 6 sets but reduce the reps every sets until you can lift the weight as heavy as you can lift

Anti Pyramidal :

Secret Tips, you can search on
here ... (related articles)

Supernation :

It means the biceps muscle movements out of your body (palm spinning outside from the body) when contracting the biceps muscle, to get a maximum contraction, for example, with your right hand biceps exercise, when you go for a top position of biceps curls, spin your wrist from left to right.

Hipernation :

The opposite of supernation movement, it means the triceps muscle movements out of your body (palm spinning outside from the body) when contracting the triceps muscle, to get a maximum contraction, for example, with your right hand triceps exercise, when you go for a top position of triceps kick backs, spin your wrist from left to right.

That's all bro, if you confused and want to ask, leave a message on comments, hope this article can help you achieve your training goals.

Sorry, if there some miss information i wrote, please consult your phyisician prior training, any other usefull information that you have would be great to tell and helping novice and beginner

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